This lifestyle website is pretty much the guide to living your best life which will cover topics of health, life, beauty and more.

I read a lot of books, especially about personal growth and health and I love to give people information and share the tips and tricks that I learn along the way.

We all try to have it all and to live our best life, but on the other hand, we all need more time in our lives. So the goal with my website is to provide short but valuable and well-researched content to you.

— new content every week —

A little about Me

Growing up we did not have much money and it was not easy to keep up. But it made me the person that I am today and I would never want to miss that. Puberty was not easy either – dealing with my parent’s divorce and being the ugly one at school and hearing stuff like “do you ever considered a facial surgery” – yeah kids are pretty mean 😀 But I knew I never wanted to give up and was always looking for ways to better myself. I guess that’s where my love and passion for personal growth started…

In 2011 I married the love of my life and we just moved from Germany to California.

Wherever you are in life and no matter how hard times are, NEVER give up! And always keep positive because Dreams do come true!

I am truly so grateful for the time you have taken to visit my site & invite you to follow along!

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