#10 Motivation Monday – Be patient.

Hello my loves,

I hope you had a successful week und could enjoy your weekend so far. Even though the weather was not the best, I had a great week, because it was my mom’s birthday this week and we celebrated it with a wellness day at Palm Beach, an indoor swimming pool. It was a beautiful day, which ended with a huge and so delicous family pizza from our favorite italian restaurant (of course without cheese aka excess fat). But before we drove to the swimming pool, we had to stop at Denn’s, to get the coconut oil, which they have on offer for such a great price.

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Health Benefits of Lemonwater

There is on simple morning ritual, you should incorporate in your life, that will improve your health and helps to lose weight → Drink every morning warm lemon water. If I can’t manage it in the morning, then I like to drink it for dinner instead of soft drinks. Lemon juice mixed with sparkling water – so yummy, refreshing and so much healthier.

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